
Bless Every Home in Our Nation from Pentecost to Pentecost 2023 to 2024

We Bless Our Nation in Jesus’ name We bless the neighbourhoods, the streets, and the homes. We bless those at work, in school, in hospital, at play, on the road, shopping or resting. We bless the homeless, the suffering, the oppressed, the prisoners, and those in need of healing. We ask for blessings that release…


Bless Your City!

We bless this neighbourhood in the name of Jesus We bless this Street in the name of Jesus We bless these homes in the name of Jesus We bless this city and all Local Government Areas in this region with the abiding peace of Jesus, to right what is wrong, to restore justice and raise…


A Word of Encouragement for New Beginnings in 2023

Scripture for 2023: JESUS IS MAKING ALL THINGS NEW And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He *said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” Revelation 21:5 CONFIDENCE in A NEW AND LIVING WAY Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the…


Just Walk

In our journey of faith we walk with Jesus, walk with other followers of Jesus and walk to bless people and places as we invite people to believe, belong and walk in his way of life. Find a friend, walk in pray every week, walk in obedience God’s word, walk to bless and invite people…