Points for Prayer:
1. Pray for Receptive Hearts As we meditate on the parable of the sower (Luke 8:4-18), pray that God would prepare our hearts and the hearts of those we encounter to receive His Word with joy. Ask for opportunities to share the good news, that people may hear and respond to the message of salvation…
A prayer as we prepare to walk and bless cities and regions
Heavenly Father, We speak salvation, healing and deliverance in Jesus’ name. We speak the good news of the Kingdom. We speak, Jesus is Lord. We speak, Jesus is here. We ask for wisdom in every trial. We ask for spiritual discernment. We ask for guidance. We ask to hear your voice speaking your instructions. We ask for…
Bless Your City!
We bless this neighbourhood in the name of Jesus We bless this Street in the name of Jesus We bless these homes in the name of Jesus We bless this city and all Local Government Areas in this region with the abiding peace of Jesus, to right what is wrong, to restore justice and raise…