This Blog is to encourage followers of Jesus to be attentive to God in prayer, intentional to walk with others to bless people and places in Jesus name and to invite everyone to know Jesus and his way of life.

Mike and Ann Hey

What is the Beautiful Feet Companions Jesus Walk about?

Is it about prayer walking?

Yes it is, but it is much more. We develop a rhythm of walking in Christ’s presence together with at least one other person. We abide in the presence of God together; we have authority to ask for our Father’s agenda as we are attentive and intentional in being Christ’s presence in a neighbourhood or sphere of influence. As we  walk with God, one another and in the city, we will  grow in confidence in worship, in the word and in our witness to Jesus.

Is it about prayer evangelism?

Yes it is, but it is much more. As we walk and pray we begin to see the spiritual climate change. We grow in confidence to share and find ways to be a witness to Jesus and as we go we begin to grow together in Christ.

So what is the beautiful feet initiative about?

It is about  walking with God, walking with a friend and walking in our city to be the presence of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is about finding people of peace, introducing them to Jesus and together with them encouraging others to follow Jesus and to be the church everyday everywhere among everyone they meet. 

As we walk  every step is worship.

As we walk  we align with His agenda and ask for His kingdom to come.

As we walk we love God and the neighbourhood, listen  to discern and meet needs in the city.

As we walk we know Jesus, He knows us, we know his ways and we make Him known.

So the beautiful feet initiative is walking together in the river of God’s person, presence, purpose and power. 

Worship in His presence 

Align with and Ask for His purpose 

Love Him and Listen to Him

Know Him, His ways and make Him known 

Beautiful feet is an intentional initiative of faith to be attentive to God, one another and our city. It is a pathway of following Jesus together. So it is about prayer, evangelism and discipleship. Most of all it is about being worshippers who witness to the life of Jesus in word and works as we walk together in the power of the Holy Spirit to make disciples who will make disciples.

Keep walking!

The beginnings


A lifestyle of prayer and blessing in every home 

Be the presence of Jesus to everyone 

Love and listen to those who do not know they are lost 

Enjoy building relationships and eat together 

See what God is already doing and respond to His invitation to join Him

Show Jesus by seeking Him every moment, serving people and sharing His story 


A culture of hospitality and blessing in every street and  park.

Belong to God and abide in His presence everywhere 

Bless people in Jesus name 

Quest to make disciples of all nations 


A walk to bless and make disciples of all nations in the marketplace 

Worship in word and works as you walk

Ask God for the impossible and align with His agenda 

Love God, listen to him and learn to follow Jesus to make disciples everywhere 

Know Him in intimacy, hear His voice and make him known everywhere by walking with  Him everyday 


Pray in Jesus name

Obey his instructions

Pursue his glory


Quiet in Christ’s presence and listening to Father’s heart

Questionto ask Jesus and listen to his questions for us

Quest to invite people to know Jesus and walk in his way of life


Walk with God in worship

Walk with Jesus followers in fellowship

Walk together to make disciples who will make disciples

For awareness:

Beautiful Feet is a simple relational network of believers who belong to different worship communities. Beautiful feet companions walk in relationship with Jesus with at least one other person to bless a neighbourhood or a sphere of influence to advance the good news of the Kingdom.

Three basic patterns of learning:

  1. A lifestyle of blessing to release the goodness of God.
  2. A culture of hospitality to build Kingdom communities in every neighbourhood
  3. A journey to point everyone to Jesus and his way of life.

At the heart of this relational network is friendship with God and one another for Christ’s love to abound as we seek the kingdom of God and it’s righteousness. We long to see radiant communities of Jesus followers multiply in every neighbourhood and nation.