Points for Prayer:

1.    Pray for Receptive Hearts

As we meditate on the parable of the sower (Luke 8:4-18), pray that God would prepare our hearts and the hearts of those we encounter to receive His Word with joy. Ask for opportunities to share the good news, that people may hear and respond to the message of salvation in Jesus.

2.    Pray for Boldness and anointing in announcing  the Word.

In line with Acts 4:29-30, pray for courage to proclaim the Word of God with boldness, even in the face of opposition. Ask God to confirm His Word with signs, wonders, and healing through the name of Jesus.

3.  Pray for the Light of the Word to Guide Us

As Psalm 119:105 declares, pray that God’s Word would be a clear  guide, shining on  our paths and leading us in His truth. Ask for wisdom and discernment as we navigate life’s challenges by the light of His Word.

4.    Pray for Humility in Receiving the Word

Based on James 1:21, pray that we would put away all forms of sin and receive the implanted Word with meekness. Pray for hearts that are humble and open, ready to be transformed by the truth of God’s Word.

5. Pray for the Power of the Word in Spiritual Warfare

Reflecting on Ephesians 6:17-20, pray that we would take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and stand firm in spiritual warfare. Ask for perseverance in prayer and the boldness to announce  the good news about Jesus.

6. Pray for the Growth of the Church through the Word

Acts 4:4 shows the transformative power of God’s Word in growing the early church. Pray that as the Word is preached and shared, many would come to faith in Christ, leading to the growth, discipleship, and strengthening of the church 

7. Pray for the Assurance of Salvation through the Word

Ephesians 1:13 reminds us of the assurance we have when we hear the word of truth and believe in Christ. Pray that believers would be filled with the peace and confidence that comes from knowing they are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

8. Pray for the Fruitfulness of the Word

Reflecting on Isaiah 55:10-11, pray that God’s Word, like the rain and snow that water the earth, would accomplish His purposes wherever He goes and that we would follow him with joy. Ask that the living Word  would bear fruit in the lives of individuals, communities, and nations.

9. Pray for a Hunger for the Word Across Australia

Pray for a deep hunger for God’s Word to rise across Australia. Ask that people would seek the Lord with all their hearts, desiring to know Him through His Word and to live by its truth as the respond to His love.

10. Pray for the Fulfilment of God’s Promises through the Word

In Isaiah 55:11, God promises that His Word will not return empty but will succeed in what He has purposed. Pray that God’s promises, as revealed in His Word, would be fulfilled in our lives, communities, and nation, bringing transformation and renewal.

The Priority of the Word of God:

The Word of God is foundational to our understanding and experience of the person, presence, power, and purpose of Christ. From the very beginning, the Word was with God and was God, fully revealed in the person of Jesus (John 1:1). It is through the Word that we are guided, strengthened, and transformed. The Word is a lamp to our feet, providing light for our journey (Psalm 119:105), and it is the sword of the Spirit, equipping us for spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:17). The Word does not return empty but accomplishes what God has purposed, bringing fruit in our lives and the world (Isaiah 55:11). Therefore, let us prioritize the Word in all we do, allowing Jesus  to shape our prayers, guide our actions, and fulfill God’s purposes in and through us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Mike Hey

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