
Walk to Bless Tips

Trust God.
Intentionally bless.
Pray as you go.
Show and Speak Jesus.

Be Christ’s presence, love and listen, enjoy relationships, see God at work, show and share Jesus, serve people in his name. Speak Jesus.

• Abide in Christ, trusting him and leaning into him, and prayerfully align yourself with his purpose to bless people.
• Find a friend to walk with and acknowledge that there is authority when two or more agree together in Jesus’ name.
• Prayerfully decide together where you will walk. Share a scripture together and look for indications that might help you with that decision.

• Look for a good venue in that neighbourhood to invite people for a next step. A coffee shop, place for a BBQ, a home that is open to you etc. Plan times together when you might go there.

• Walk together and learn from one another as you walk. • Breath out blessings over homes, people, families, as you walk.
• Interact with anyone you speak with.
• Tell them why you are there and what you are doing. • Keep it simple and make a regular time to walk.
• Always build on relationships.
• Plan a time and a place for them to learn more about Jesus.

• A lifestyle of blessing: be present, listen, enjoy relationships, see God at work, show and share Jesus. • A culture of hospitality – invite to a BBQ, a coffee at a cafe, a meal in your home.
• A discipleship journey – Hear and obey Jesus. Help others to hear and obey Jesus.
• Encourage others to do this and keep this in mind:

• You belong to Jesus and he is building His church with you!
• Bless everyone in Jesus’ name to see transformation
• Be on a quest to make disciples who will make
disciples to multiply vibrant communities of Jesus followers.

👣 Hear Know Follow Bless 👣

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