
Walking in the Blessing of Christ: A Journey of Prayer, Presence, and Purpose


We stand at a moment in history where the world is in desperate need of the blessing that only Christ can bring. This blessing doesn’t just come from grand gestures or extraordinary circumstances—it flows from the lives of ordinary people walking closely with Jesus, united in prayer, and committed to His mission.  The person, presence, purpose, and power of Christ can transform our ordinary lives into extraordinary conduits of blessing, impacting our communities and the nations.

1. The Person of Christ: Our Foundation for Blessing

“As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them…” — Luke 24:15

Our journey of blessing begins with the person of Jesus Christ. It is in walking with Him, in knowing Him deeply, that we experience the fullness of His love and grace. Jesus is not a distant figure; He is our companion, our guide, and the source of every blessing we receive. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, our hearts are set ablaze when we encounter Him, and this encounter changes everything. It is through this personal relationship with Jesus that we are transformed and empowered to bless others.

2. The Presence of Christ: The Power of Praying Together

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” — Matthew 18:20

The presence of Christ is most powerfully experienced when we come together in prayer. There is something uniquely powerful about unified prayer—it invites the presence of Jesus into our midst and unleashes His power to transform lives. The 24-7 Prayer Movement has shown us how unceasing prayer can change not just individuals but entire communities and even nations. When we pray together, we align ourselves with God’s will, bringing His blessing into the world in ways we could never achieve on our own.

3. The Purpose of Christ: Called to Bless

“I will bless you… and you will be a blessing.” — Genesis 12:2

Christ’s purpose for us is clear: we are blessed to be a blessing. This is not a passive calling but an active mission. The Moravians, with their 100-year prayer watch and relentless commitment to global missions, understood this deeply. They knew that every blessing they received from God was meant to be shared with others, to extend the love of Christ to the ends of the earth. We, too, are called to take the blessings we receive in our walk with Christ and share them—whether through prayer, acts of kindness, or simply being present for those in need.

4. The Power of Christ: Transforming Ordinary People

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth.” — Acts 1:8

The power of Christ is made perfect in our weakness. It’s not about our abilities, but about His power working through us. Ordinary people, when filled with the Spirit, become extraordinary vessels of His blessing. The Order of the Mustard Seed is a powerful example of this truth. They committed to small, simple acts of obedience—being true to Christ, kind to people, and sharing the gospel—and these small acts grew into a global movement of blessing. This is the power of Christ at work in ordinary lives.

Conclusion: Living a Life of Blessing

In conclusion, the journey of blessing is a walk with Jesus that transforms our ordinary lives into something extraordinary. As we embrace the person of Christ, gather in His presence through prayer, yield to His purpose of blessing others, and rely on His power, we become conduits of His grace and love in the world. This is not just for a select few; it is the calling of every believer.

Let us decide today to walk with Jesus, to pray together, to bless others, and to rely on the power of Christ to do what only He can do through us. Whether it’s in our families, our communities, or across the nations, may we be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing His blessing wherever we go.

Call to Action:

Let’s start today. Walk with Jesus in every moment, gather with others in prayer, find ways to bless those around you, and trust in the power of Christ to make an impact through your life. Remember, it’s the ordinary people, empowered by the extraordinary Christ, who will change the world

Mike Hey

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