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Keep it simple and walk

Beautiful Feet Companions take beautiful steps

We do not necessarily need to wait for special events. These can be a great encouragement and catalyst.

We can start any day. Call a friend and walk with them.

Step One – Call a friend and invite them to walk with you.
Step Two – Walk together , pray and bless the street in Jesus name.
Step Three – Reflect on the walk and learn.

Follow the BLESS principle as you walk:

Be present and pray for peace in homes, joy on the street and for neighbours to love neighbours.

Listen to God by sharing a beautiful Jesus story with one another as you walk.

Enjoy greeting people and encouraging them with a smile.

See what God is doing by being attentive and prayerful.

Show Jesus and be ready to share his beautiful story with someone.

It is a beautiful walk with the beautiful steps of those who follow Jesus as his beautiful feet companions. Keep walking together.

Start a movement. Walk slowly and learn to pause at the end of the street.

Ask three questions:

What did we see?

What did we learn?

When is our next step?


Worship God
Ask for His agenda
Love God and others
Know God and make Him known

Walk and worship Jesus.
Walk and worship with a friend.
Walk to bless the community.

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