Bless Your City!
We bless this neighbourhood in the name of Jesus
We bless this Street in the name of Jesus
We bless these homes in the name of Jesus
We bless this city and all Local Government Areas in this region with the abiding peace of Jesus, to right what is wrong, to restore justice and raise righteousness, to release God’s love and mercy in the neighbourhoods , the joy of his presence on every street, and peace in every home in the name of Jesus.
We bless this city with Father’s extravagant love in Christ, covering her shame and restoring her dignity and honour.
We bless this city with redemption and peace in Jesus Christ, cancelling the debt and breaking the hostility.
We bless this city with the joyous presence of the Holy Spirit, releasing the revelation of Father’s love in Jesus Christ, defeating fear and anxiety.
We bless people and places redeemed by Christ at the Cross. We claim their redemption and reconciliation with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We pray for blessing to flow in every person, every home, every street and every neighborhood, releasing favor, abundance and protection in the name of Jesus.
In the holy name of Jesus, we ask for courageous love and humility to catch up with what the Holy Spirit is already doing. We bless these homes with forgiveness and salvation, with miraculous healing, with deliverance from death to life, from darkness to light through the presence and authority of Jesus.
We ask for the green shoots of authentic worship to begin to rise everyday across the city in the name of Jesus.
We bless this city with the goodness and grace of God, removing the rubble of arrogance, hypocrisy and idolatry to build the temple of living stones, growing in love and truth to be His family, His body, His bride – His Ekklesia on mission with him to the nations in his love, his life and light in the name of Jesus.
We ask for a city of refuge for the oppressed to find freedom and hope.
We ask for a city where broken lives are restored in the beauty and blessing of Jesus.
We ask for a city of reconciliation, releasing forgiveness and the healing of broken relationships.
We ask for a city redeemed by Jesus to be a place of dignity, delight and destiny.
All I can say to those words is amen amen
Glory to lord jesus christ
God bless you
May the Lord bless all your steps, may they bring heaven to earth, may they serve the “peace and prosperity” of the city. I celebrate all your good works. Amen!
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 (NASB)
May our cities be filled with people walking together in God’s good works created in Christ Jesus. Walking in homes, in neighbourhoods, in the market place, in communities and in every sphere of influence through Christ’s manifest presence as His Ekklesia (the Church, saints gathered and scattered with the authority and presence of Christ to make disciples of all nations) rises everyday in His cities to declare His glory in all nations.