Uncompromising walk

Uncompromising walk of obedience 

Unhindered Light of Salvation

Unleashed love for all people 

Unrelenting grace in redemption

Unshakable truth that sets us free

Unwrapped purpose for every person

Unfolding glory of God in the earth 

Unveiling beauty in the midst of brokenness 

Untainted Righteousness in His life

Uncluttered agenda of our Father.

Unnoticed move of the Holy Spirit in ordinary people everyday

Unpredictable break throughs as we turn the keys of the river gates in prayer 

Unorthodox move of God in being the life, love and  light of Jesus  every day everywhere  

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One Comment

  1. Thank you for reminding us of the role we have to play in our homes and local communities and the responsibilities that God has entrusted to us to fulfill His purposes while we reside in our temporary dwellings here on earth.
    All Praise, glory and honour to our Awesome God and Father of all human beings. 🙏

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