
Attentive to God and intentional to bless

1. Encourage one another in a lifestyle of blessing everyday, everywhere for everyone as we walk in the presence of Jesus together as salt and light in the city.

2. Grow a culture of hospitality as we seek relational ways to meet the felt needs of the city

3. Become advocates for the good new of the Kingdom in our conversations as we point everyone in the city to Jesus.

Three essential steps of those who walk with the beautiful feet as people who publish good news of peace, and the joyous saving power of Jesus – our God reigns:

1. Step into Christ’s  presence and abide in His love – Our Father in heaven.

2. Step up to our Father’s purpose and declare His glory – Hallowed be your name.

3. Step out in the Power of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses to Jesus everyday, everywhere for everyone – Your Kingdom come.

We walk attentive in our love for God and intentional in our love for one another.

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